Monday, October 17, 2022

SOLITUDE & Don't Give Up

Watercolor - 11x14

There is always that point in the middle of any painting where I am ready to throw in the towel. Things just don't seem to be working out, not sure about the colors, values or subject matter.

But I have learned through the years that I should not give up. I need to take a step back, leave it alone for a while and then try to look at it objectively and figure what is not working and why. And what are some possible solutions?

Then, I need to just jump back in and see what happens. Most of the time it all works out. Sometimes, especially with watercolor, I have gone too far and it is one big mess. But, by not giving up, I end up with many paintings that I like and the knowledge that I can fix most things and move on. Experience. Confidence.