Tissue Paper Iris

Original Watercolor - 11x15
$60 - Buy Here

I began this painting by collaging tissue paper on top of 140 lb watercolor paper. I used matted medium and aplied it to the watercolor paper and then placed regular whilte tissue paper on top. You can use one big sheet of tissue or tear it in to smaller pieces. A roller can be used to flatten the tissue creating interesting lines or you can just use a brush and leave it more three dimentional. While everything is still wet I used watercolor and painted in some of the background colors for a soft look.
This shows a close up of the texture created by the tissue paper and how the paint spreads and interacts with it. When everything is dry I came back in with negative painting to shape the iris and leaves and add darks to the composition. This is a very fun technique that will loosen you up and let the paint flow freely!