Monday, March 16, 2020

Art Brings Joy!

Watercolor - 8x10

The red poppy is a symbol of both Remembrance and Hope for a peaceful future which seems appropriate for this strange time that we are in the middle of. I hope everyone is staying calm and healthy while everything around us is suggesting worry and panic. 

While we are all being encouraged to 'distance ourselves socially' and stay home please don't forget how important and healing creativity is to our mental well-being.

- Art can be used as therapy to help process feelings, good and bad

- A daily creative practice allows you to find joy & gratitude in the middle of the chaos

- Begin or finish an art project that is more challenging to provide a happy distraction

- Travel may be off limits for now so use travel photos as inspiration for a painting

- Take an online art class to learn a new creative skill and overcome boredom

- Make cards to bring joy to friends, connect with family or check in with a neighbor

~ Art warms the heart, feeds the soul and adds joy to your life ~