The Power of Turquoise in Art & Life

Watercolor Collage - 15x22

I LOVE using the color turquoise in my paintings and actually hand painted the rice papers I used for collage on Aspen Grove. The other day as I was browsing Pinterest - and who does't love Pinterest - I came upon this very cool website called The Turquoise Table by Kristen Shell. Using turquoise painted tables she has created a movement across America to bring back the idea of old fashioned community in our neighborhoods. SO cool!

'Caught up in a world of overscheduled calendars and a frenzied on-the-go lifestyle, I was desperate for more intentional ways to connect with the people in my life. One afternoon, I put a bright turquoise picnic table in my front yard, hoping to create a simple place to gather without the pressures of entertaining. It worked!
A new concept of hospitality unfolded in my neighborhood. The Turquoise Table has become a meeting place—kind of like the old village well—for neighbors, friends, and even strangers, to hang out and do life together. The table has spurred a front yard revival in our neighborhood and had become a welcome place to gather and love. Before long the Turquoise Table led to a movement of Front Yard People—people just like you and me who want to create community right where we live.
All across America, neighbors are getting to know one another at turquoise picnic tables in the most simple place of all — their front yards. From California to Maine, the Turquoise Table has become a symbol of hospitality and a welcome place to slow down and connect with friends and neighbors.'