Watercolor - 11x14
With all of the classes that I have taught through the years I always seem to have a pile of unfinished watercolors. When I teach a class I always start a painting as a
demo to show the students the main idea for the day and then spend the rest of the class giving individual help to everyone. My goal as a teacher is to inspire everyone to find their own
artistic style and not just copy mine, so I don't spend class time finishing my paintings.
I pulled
Love of Roses out of my pile and challenged myself to finish it. I started it in class to teach the concept of using negative painting to define shapes. This is an important technique in watercolor because you can't paint a light color over a dark. Instead, dark colors are used to define the lighter shapes. In this case, I painted a loose background and added darks to pull out the flowers and leaves. I also used negative painting to paint the shadows between the petals on the roses.