Club 47 Challenge - Day 13 - Creative Monday #27 - Butterfly

Original Watercolor & Ink - 11x15
$60 - Buy Here

The Creative Challenge was to include a butterfly - one or many - in your artwork. I focused on one large butterfly sitting on pretty pink flowers
In this close up of the painting you can see that I used some ink for the fine lines on the butterfly and to add detail to the flowers. Watercolor and ink work well together - you can stay loose and free with the paint and then come back and refine the design with line work.

Kindness - Yesteday, I was at Walmart driving slowly thru the parking lot and had to stop for some pedestrians to cross over. One person led to two, then three, then a man in a wheel chair, an older lady with a walker, a young couple and finally a woman carrying a baby. I probably could have safely darted in between some of them but with my Random Acts of Kindness in mind I sat patiently as they all slowly walked across.