Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Five Degrees of Creativity - Level 1

Watercolor - 8x10

Definitions of creativity can differ greatly but most of us recognize higher levels of it when we see it. Creativity is a human gift but we are not all at the same level. Like many things in nature, creative individuals differ by varying degrees.

Most books use five categories to categorize the degrees of creativity. The first three can be attained by anyone through natural gifts and with motivation and persistence. The last two levels are those folks with exceptional gifts where the creative being is born, not bred.

Level 1- Expressive creativity, as in spontaneous drawings of children.

The first level incorporates the primitive and intuitive expression often found in children and in adults who have never been trained in the arts. There is an innocent quality to primitive art, but also directness and sensitivity. The naive artist creates for the joy of it. The paintings of Grandma Moses are a perfect example.