Watercolor Batik - 12x18
Whether I am teaching a workshop or my weekly classes I always start out with some kind of painting demonstration. I talk about the subject, technique or method that we will be focusing on and then I start the painting, usually by wetting the paper and staying loose and free with the colors. I then begin adding definition to some of the shapes and then stop and let the students return to their spot and 'catch up.'
I know many instructors like to sit for several hours and complete an entire painting for their demo before the students even put a brush to paper. I feel like this often leads to students feeling 'lost' when they are faced with a blank piece of paper. I like to encourage a feeling of freedom for each student to work on their own version of the painting assignment. After all, the goal should be to develop your own personal artistic style, not copy my exact painting. After teaching watercolor for over eighteen years this approach seems to work best for my students and myself.