Monday, October 2, 2017

Tony Couch Watercolor Book & LAKESIDE

Watercolor - 11x15

I find that I spend an inordinate amount of time on my computer, especially looking at Pinterest. I love all of the wonderful art that can be found online and am often inspired by it but I decided it was time to go old school and dig out all of my watercolor books. 

I LOVE everything about books and have since I was little and my Mom took us to the library's book mobile. I never have to justify spending money on any kind of painting, crafting or creative book. I enjoy getting lost in the photos of colorful creations, new techniques and different artistic approaches.

One of the very first watercolor books I purchased over 25 years ago was WATERCOLOR You Can Do It! by Tony Couch. I loved his direct approach to painting, use of shape symbols and strong value patterns in his compositions. Looking back through his book, I was inspired to paint my version of one of his demos. I tried to use strong darks to separate the foreground, mid and background areas using large value shapes. It was fun to do and a good creative challenge. Now on to the next book!