Watercolor on gesso - 8x10

I think we all struggle with getting more time in the studio to paint and create. It is easy to get caught up in day to day tasks around the house and think we don't have enough time to be creative. Here a few tips that help me:

I keep my painting supplies out on my art table so that they are easily accessible and ready to go. Paint, paper, brushes and water stay out so that even if I only have ten minutes to paint I don't waste time setting things up or putting everything away.

I keep all of my painting ideas and inspiration organized in folders by subject.

I have several paintings in various stages of completion so that while I am waiting for paint to dry on one piece I can always work on another one.

I set small goals for myself each day so that when I enter the studio I know exactly what I need to start working on and am not overwhelmed by too many choices.