COLORS OF THE HEART & Getting In The Zone

Watercolor - 15x20

There is often a period during the creation of any painting when you feel like you are in the zone. You let go of any preconceived ideas and give in to the flow of the paint. As you shift to your right/creative side of the brain you almost enter a trance where color and shape and the movement of your brush take over. The pure joy of creating - it feeds your soul, warms your heart and brings much joy to your life!

BLUE SERENADE - Original Watercolor Painting


Watercolor - 11x14

I love painting with various shades of cool colors - blues and purples - with just a touch of yellow for some warmth.

SUNRISE POPPIES & What is an Artist?

Watercolor Batik - 11x14

What is an artist? To me, they are someone who can see the world in different ways and are able to translate their vision in to a work of art. They allow their intuition to turn on and let go of preconceived ideas. They aren't afraid of the artistic process as they freely create a new reality in their own unique way. Freedom of expression using color, line and shapes. Are you an artist?


Mixed Media Monday - GRAND MESA


Acrylic - 11x14

I began GRAND MESA as an abstract piece of art, applying acrylic paint quickly in random shapes without thinking too much about it. It ended up in my Unfinished Pile for a while and when I pulled it out I immediately thought 'southwestern'. 

I painted in a sky with some buttes in the distance and painted a moon. I used a stencil for the bird symbol and border design. Sometimes everything lines up creatively and you end up with something unexpected that you just love. So much fun!

BLUE HERON & Teaching Workshops for Tellico VIllage Art Guild


Watercolor Collage - 11x14

For BLUE HERON I combined watercolor painting with some ink for the details, oil pastel for high lights and collage papers for added color and texture. I just taught this as a one day workshop showing how watercolor can be combined with other media. It was a great class with a wonderful group of artists who all left with smiles on their faces.

I love sharing my creative discoveries with otheres and encouraging them in their own artistic journey. I have taught for painting classes for almost twenty five years and now teach workshops for my local Art Guild located in Tellico Village, a beautiful lake community in east Tennessee. You can see all classes and workshops that are offered through the Art Guild here. Come join us sometime!